Facebook Website Insights | find out who shares your content on Facebook today

Estimated read time 2 min read

Here’s a small tip I picked up while reading this post on the SEOmoz daily blog:

Facebook now not only offers Insights for your Facebook Page but also for your own website!

This is great, because you can now not only see which of your website or blog content is being shared and clicked on, but you can also see the demographics of the people who shared your content! For instance:

  • Age group
  • Percentage male / female
  • What language the speak
  • What country they are from.

This allows you to better optimise your content for sharing (because you know better what works and what doesn’t) and better target your audience (because you know what works for who!). Me likes!

How to set up Facebook Insights for your website or blog:

  1. Go to Facebook.com/insights
  2. Click on the green “Insights for your website” button (on the right)
  3. You now get a pop-up window
  4. Fill in your domain name
  5. Select who you want the site to be linked to (your Personal profile or any of the Page you are Administrator of)
  6. Copy the code (meta tag) you are given
  7. For your website: send this code to your IT guy and ask him to add this piece of code to the root page of your website (inside the <head> tag of your site)
  8. For WordPress (Thesis) blogs: go to Thesis site options / Document head / Additional scripts / add the code / save
  9. Go back to the Facebook.com/insights page, at the bottom of the pop-up: click ‘Get insights’. This way you verify that you are the owner of this site or blog.

You’re all done!

Below you find the powerpoint that was published along with the post on SEOmoz daily blog. Along with this tactical marketing tip, it gives you 4 more Facebook marketing tips. Useful stuff!

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