How To Install Adobe Flash Player On Fedora Linux 19/20
How can I install Adobe Flash Player Plugin version 11.2 with yum command on a Fedora Linux 64 bit desktop or 32 bit version 20 [Read More…]
How can I install Adobe Flash Player Plugin version 11.2 with yum command on a Fedora Linux 64 bit desktop or 32 bit version 20 [Read More…]
Create a new tar archive. $ tar cvf archive_name.tar dirname/ Extract from an existing tar archive. $ tar xvf archive_name.tar View an existing tar archive. [Read More…]
This article is a continuation of our previous article – 40 Basic Command Line Tips and Tricks. The terminal is a really powerful tool when it comes [Read More…]
1. Everything in Linux is a file including the hardware and even the directories. 2. # : Denotes the super(root) user 3. $ : Denotes the normal user 4. /root: [Read More…]
To set a permanent redirection from with and to, the following code shall help you RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^example\.com$ [OR] RewriteCond [Read More…]
If you’re going to have long relations with Linux Operating System and use it as efficiently as possible I suggest to read the following howtos and [Read More…]
In this post, we will see how to lock or unlock a specific user account from the terminal using two methods. Method 1 (Recommended)To lock [Read More…]
In this tutorial, we will see how to create/remove user accounts using the terminal under Ubuntu/Linux Mint. I will also show you how to add [Read More…]