Windows 8 mobile users are sure to miss the highly successful instant messaging client WhatsApp in their new Windows 8 phone. But wait for a few days the product development for Windows Phone 8 is underway and will be released anytime soon.
The app is undergoing some heavy doses of alterations and will be launched for Windows Phone 8 some time in the very near future.
While there has been no official announcement from the developers of WhatsApp, the news is that the new app will be six times faster than previous versions and there will also be new emoji included in the upcoming version. The background audio API would remain the same however the real challenge is to devise a may to keep the system running in background, which is must for WhatsApp considering that the Microsoft has severe restrictions on third party apps. Given the growing popularity of WhatsApp, Microsoft sure doesn’t want to be left behind in the race in mobile handsets market.
Earlier, downloads were available on WP store, but despite being able to activate and register the app, users found it difficult to use WhatsApp. So much so that the app has since been taken out from the store. However with new Windows 8 phone launches likely to be taking place in the months ahead, Microsoft must surely know the importance of apps for Windows 8 and the lack of popular apps on the store.